Jones is the worst of the worst scumbag in American media. Exploiting murdered children to score political points -- is there a bottom any lower? Instead of making (and reviewing) films about him, we need to collectively ignore him and hope he quickly resorts to living out of a dumpster.

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That's what politicans do every time there's any kind of event involving children. Name 1 major political character that hasn't done this.

Jones is wacky, insane and hilarious, putting him 1 attribute ahead of Nancy Pelosi and Rick Santorum, and by the gods do I love him for it. Politics need someone this absurd to make it bearable

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Tx for laboring through this movie and sharing, so we don't have to...

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It would be a mistake to ignore Jones and the other morally bankrupt opportunists who consistently monetize social strife to take advantage of shallow thinking humans. I appreciate this review, but I doubt my stomach (which has lived through twenty years of the Navy and fifteen years of teaching college sociology and psychology) could take watching any more of this blowhard than is absolutely necessary.

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Enjoying your even handed dissection of the wacky conspiracy theories. Thanks.

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Shermer tries to portray every conservative as an extremist nut job. He describes Jones as "the man who has trafficked in conspiracy theories for decades" -- a description that, while accurate, could also be applied to Shermer himself. For example, Shermer pushed the false (and ridiculous) narrative that Trump hired prostitutes to pee in a hotel bed in Moscow because Obama had slept there. Shermer believes that the Russians later used the "pee tape" to blackmail Trump into doing their bidding. Talk about extremist nut jobs!

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Maybe you could rename your substack ‘Establishment Mouthpiece.’

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