I love your writing and your cynical, questioning and fact-driven mind. I'm a happy subscriber. I think you will turn out to be wrong on JFK and RFK, but maybe in this way: that the forces released by all of these poorly led insitutions (the MIC, the intelligence community, the media, industries that are captured by and/ or have captured the above, duplicitous/ self-interested elected officials,and others) give rise to these kinds of assasinations, attempts, and other messy outcomes, collusion/ conspiracy or none. Clearly there was an institutional conspiracy to mislead on COVID, and the multiple messy outcomes and mismanagement that rose out of all of that undoubtedly led to millions of uneccessary deaths. It's disingenous for public figures today to say (you're not one of these) that the rhetoric, lawfare and so forth that's been used aganst Trump isn't partially to blame for the demonstrably false convictions many have that Trump is Hitler and is, in himself, an existential threat to all of us. It will be a complete surprise to any thoughtful person if Trump's would be assassin is anything other than a sorry, individual lone actor. It's also likely we will never know the degree to which his rooftop attempt was in part driven by all this rhetoric, but the rhetoric is real, negative, impactful, wrong headed and irresponsible. Does it all amount to a conspiracy? Probably not. But there are undeniably lots of coordinated, conpiratorial sub-routines (like saying Democracy is at stake with every sniff of ill-wind at the hot-dog eating contest otherwise known as U.S. politics) that give rise to so many of these unfortunate outcomes. We are all citizens, and we can all be right, or at least kind of right, at the same time, regardless of which side, or any side, we may think we are on.

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Thank you for that very detailed history lesson!

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Squeaky did not take a shot; that was another woman. Her shot just missed killing Ford n she did not serve a life sentence. Crazy.

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Fantastic read. Thank you Michael for addressing current issues.

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Great history lesson, but a few details are questionable.

There is some evidence of the involvement of the British Secret Service in the Lincoln case. The British had supported the South throughout the Civil War in hopes of gaining access to Southern cotton on more favorable terms than Yankee textile mills and might have wanted to rekindle the war after the South lost. Both the U.S. government and the U.K. government still have not released all their classified files on the case fearing that American public reaction even at this late date might damage the allience between them.

Both JFK and RFK were probably killed by Mafia hit men on orders of Frank Sinatra as revenge for the FBI having killed Marilyn Monroe on RFK's orders because she was pregnant by JFK and was blackmailing him by threatening to publicly name him as the father unless he would get a divorce and marry her. Sinatra, as a fellow member of the ''Rat Pack'', knew her well and may very well have been in love with her himself. His Mafia connections are well-known and documented.

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