Thank you for this warm and fascinating remembrance of your friend. You’ve made me want to seek out some of Fred’s books and learn more.

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> “But I thought I had tenure!”

👍🙂 Destined to be a classic right up there with "On the whole (in it?), I'd rather be in Philadelphia."

But some solid book recommendations -- bookmarked.

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He was a good friend to my late husband Larry and me. Sending deepest condolences to his family. And hoping there are those that will pick up where he had to leave off.

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He was a good friend to my late husband Larry and me. Sending deepest condolences to his family. And hoping there are those that will pick up where he had to leave off.

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Dr. Freud, Dr. Freud,

How we wish that you'd been otherwise employed

Our peculiar circumstances still enhances the finances

Of the followers of Dr. Sigmund Freud

------Steve DePass

Freud had a good system if you ignore the fact that it didn't work. It is very good at diagnosis and explanation, but he made the mistake of thinking it could also be a cure. His treatment methods are worthless. But then, so are all the others. In the more than a century since his form of treatment was formulated, none of the countless spin-offs and other kinds of treeatment have ever been any better.

NO method of psychotherapy is any good. The highly trained professionals in the field are delusional. And the public, via government ''health care'' programs, is paying them to indulge in their delusions. It is long past time for them to give up and admit that there is no cure for any kind of mental illness and there never will be. Humans are not a rational species and nothing can make them into one.

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What is the one book of Crews' I should read?

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That's a hard question. I would start reading his New York Review of Books articles on Freud. They are online and cost $1/each.

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Fred Crews also took on Stephen Jay Gould's notion of "non-overlapping magisterial" in the NY Review of Books. Delicious reading.

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So sorry. I will read his work 🙏

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Do something on “Janet Reno Miami Method”

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