Most licensed mental health professionals I know consider these personality assessments a form of astrology and don’t take them seriously.

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I wonder what Wittgenstein would think of this. Could explain what he called ‘family resemblance’, but on a deeper level.

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Once again Shermer presents a thought provoking article. Interestingly all his references are from 2020 or earlier. That suggests that interest in enneagram is declining

I know a number of people who have taken the enneagram survey & it is popular in my church. I have not taken it but have taken some similar temperament surveys. I'm inclined toward the more basic DIRT / DISC surveys.

I find them interesting, relatively accurate, and they help us to understand better why and how we act / react in some situations. That said, I feel they are basically an interesting amusement. One should not put a great deal of emphasis on them or the become like Flip Wilson's "The Devil made me do it" flimsy excuse.

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